Encourage My Soul
This article was inspired by a dear friend of mine whom I will name anonymous. I was so touched by her courage, spirit and inner strength that I knew I had to pass on this message. Oftentimes, we only see what is going on outside of the person never even considering the operations within the man. We look at people believing that their physical appearance is the essence of who they are. Automatically we see a man with muscles and assume he’s strong. We see a person with a speech impediment and assume their slow, we see a person handicap and assume they need our help. Futile judgments, evil snares and hurtful comments we make daily rather consciously or unconsciously without even having a source of facts or any evidence that our pre judgment is true. The irony of all this madness is we all experience being judged or rather misjudged knowing fully well the other person knows nothing of truth pertaining to you. Hurt and pain is then imposed on us by another, so the very muddy shoes we once mocked are now the muddy shoes we now wear. We have to be careful how we treat others. Those that are closest to us and even those that are at a distance. Life has a cycle, certainly what goes around comes back around and we never, ever, go without paying for all our deeds, both good and bad. Although my friend is experiencing unspeakable pain and somewhat cruelty she remains calm and at ease by an inner strength that harbors all her emotions. Instead of her lashing out at others and questioning “Father” why me; she is hasting on with patience and endurance while suffering, not being tempted by the power of anger and hatred. She knows that it is all too easy to give in to the situation screaming, fighting and cussing so instead she bears the fruit of peace, love and forgiveness. Her spirit& faith alone overcomes her infirmities and it is to that which she has learned to surrender to both the creators will and his purpose. So if you are wondering what all this is about I’ll explain: We gain things in this life and then we turn around and lose them, we give freely in this life while others sometimes sit back and selfishly take. We do all that we can to make it in this life oftentimes being pushed hard to the ground being shattered like glass, filled with disappointment; yet we are helped up again filled with courage to start over and try again, and again and again. Then finally we get comfortable in this life with our possessions believing truly that we own, one damn thing. That is the message, we own nothing. Not our lives, our time, our love, our dreams, fears or desires we‘ve just been deceived into thinking that we do. We all are being governed by one spirit and one purpose. We must be mindful that when things don’t go as planned that they truly are for the better for us. At the time, it feels as though the world is one big ride spinning and we can’t get off but when the ride finally ceases to our surprise we are sober and have landed on solid ground. Life can give us some hard blows somewhat bruising our ego but we must remember to be quiet and listen to that small still voice that will guide our souls. In the midst of her storm she remained calm and filled with faith that whatever he had taken from her he certainly could replace it. Howbeit, he was the very one (source) that had freely given her all things. Now certainly she knew that if she continued to trust in him and only him, he would make things be alright.
This article was inspired by a dear friend of mine whom I will name anonymous. I was so touched by her courage, spirit and inner strength that I knew I had to pass on this message. Oftentimes, we only see what is going on outside of the person never even considering the operations within the man. We look at people believing that their physical appearance is the essence of who they are. Automatically we see a man with muscles and assume he’s strong. We see a person with a speech impediment and assume their slow, we see a person handicap and assume they need our help. Futile judgments, evil snares and hurtful comments we make daily rather consciously or unconsciously without even having a source of facts or any evidence that our pre judgment is true. The irony of all this madness is we all experience being judged or rather misjudged knowing fully well the other person knows nothing of truth pertaining to you. Hurt and pain is then imposed on us by another, so the very muddy shoes we once mocked are now the muddy shoes we now wear. We have to be careful how we treat others. Those that are closest to us and even those that are at a distance. Life has a cycle, certainly what goes around comes back around and we never, ever, go without paying for all our deeds, both good and bad. Although my friend is experiencing unspeakable pain and somewhat cruelty she remains calm and at ease by an inner strength that harbors all her emotions. Instead of her lashing out at others and questioning “Father” why me; she is hasting on with patience and endurance while suffering, not being tempted by the power of anger and hatred. She knows that it is all too easy to give in to the situation screaming, fighting and cussing so instead she bears the fruit of peace, love and forgiveness. Her spirit& faith alone overcomes her infirmities and it is to that which she has learned to surrender to both the creators will and his purpose. So if you are wondering what all this is about I’ll explain: We gain things in this life and then we turn around and lose them, we give freely in this life while others sometimes sit back and selfishly take. We do all that we can to make it in this life oftentimes being pushed hard to the ground being shattered like glass, filled with disappointment; yet we are helped up again filled with courage to start over and try again, and again and again. Then finally we get comfortable in this life with our possessions believing truly that we own, one damn thing. That is the message, we own nothing. Not our lives, our time, our love, our dreams, fears or desires we‘ve just been deceived into thinking that we do. We all are being governed by one spirit and one purpose. We must be mindful that when things don’t go as planned that they truly are for the better for us. At the time, it feels as though the world is one big ride spinning and we can’t get off but when the ride finally ceases to our surprise we are sober and have landed on solid ground. Life can give us some hard blows somewhat bruising our ego but we must remember to be quiet and listen to that small still voice that will guide our souls. In the midst of her storm she remained calm and filled with faith that whatever he had taken from her he certainly could replace it. Howbeit, he was the very one (source) that had freely given her all things. Now certainly she knew that if she continued to trust in him and only him, he would make things be alright.
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